Consumer hunger driving shift in online experience, finds Motorola

According to a global study from communications giants Motorola Mobility, consumer desire for on-demand entertainment such as online video is driving an industry shift.

The 2011 Motorola Mobility Media Engagement Barometer study aimed to pinpoint a global view of exactly what sort of video content was being watched by web users and how viewing habits are changing.

Some of the key trends discovered by the study included the fact that the ‘home ecosystem’ was being redefined thanks to online engagement and mobile TV, smartphone usage and the prevalence of online video.

The study also found that the traditional television experience was shifting thanks to demand for social media and digital entertainment, and that connected services and new forms of entertainment such as online video were helping to create ‘additional revenue streams and opportunities to strengthen customer relationships.’

The Motorola Mobility study took into account the video consumption habits of 9,000 consumers across 16 markets in order to compile the findings.

Senior vice president and general manager, Converged Experience at Motorola Mobility, John Burke, told Advanced Television, “Consumers are constantly connected – and they want ubiquitous access to their content and communities. They don’t care about the technology to make all of this happen; they simply want it to work and expect it to fit into their daily routines.

“The convergence trend upon us is a tremendous opportunity for our customers to capitalise on delivering this simple, intuitive experience in the home,” Mr Burke went on to say.